Monday, May 12, 2008

Is the Credit Crunch doing the industry a favour?

Hello and welcome to the Someplace Else Blog

Last week saw the demise of Inside Track, a large UK based company many readers will be familiar with that specialized in (very) expensive investment seminars. The market has certainly gotten much more discerning in the last two years and most investors are now able to either do their own research or find companies that will point them in the right direction without charging high fees.

Is the credit crunch doing us a favour?
Perhaps the credit crunch is actually doing many of us a favour by narrowing the range of people who want to invest in property and the number of companies who can provide for them. From 2003-2006, when the Irish & UK economies were performing well and the overseas property boom was in full swing with property expos heaving, property supplements bursting with breathless adverts and people signing on the dotted line without a care in the world, it was very easy for property companies to rack up large volumes of sales without doing all that much selling, research or due dilligence.

With many previously gung-ho buyers now nervously scanning newspaper headlines for the latest doom and gloom stories (very easy to find these days), the only property companies that will be able to thrive (and some are definately thriving) will be those who can continuously offer a range of products and services to savvy buyers who are seeking out high performing markets, regardless, or maybe even because of, the prevailing conditions at home. These people also have the experience to know the value of the information being provided to them. Surely this is a good thing for the industry.

Someplace Else Projects During Summer Months
Getting back to emerging markets - Romania seems to be showing no signs of losing its popularity with our investors and with our Bujor development in Northern Bucharest practically sold out, we have been very fortunate to secure some units in another very similar one nearby from the same developer called Lilac Residences, details of which can be found below. The many people who replied to our teaser campaign for our new Ploiesti development (35km north of Bucharest) will hopefully be glad to know that the investment guide is almost ready and should be available to clients next week. It is called Prahova Residences and we feel that it is a great investment with superb payment terms (10/10/5/75)

I've also been quite busy this week in Panama (and am writing this note on my way back across the atlantic). It is simply an amazing country, and we will soon be announcing an exciting new venture with a local company who will be sourcing world class Panamanian developments for Someplace Else investors that will be available nowhere else in Europe. Full details won't be released for a few weeks, but if anyone would like to express an interest in being put on a preferential list, or indeed if anybody would just talk to me about the kinds of projects we will be releasing, then by all means give me a call on 1890 425 425 or me email on

New Someplace Else Magazine Coming Soon
Finally, the next issue of the print edition of "Invest Someplace Else" will soon be ready and an email will be sent out shortly giving investors further details. In a nutshell though, it will be a 24 page magazine dedicated to emerging markets and will contain articles on Panama, Romania, Taxes on Overseas Property, Affect of Global Credit Crunch on Emerging Markets, Overseas Mortgages, updates on our own developments in Belize & Argentina ... and much more besides. We will post it out free of charge to anybody that would like to receive it. Simply email and put "subscribe to magazine" on the subject line and your postal address in the email if you'd like a copy.

That's it from me.

Warm Regards

Colin Murphy
Someplace Else Ireland Ltd

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